Anti-Spoofing Mechanisms in Face Recognition Based on DNN

anti-spoofing mechanisms

guess what…someone already made this happen. It’s called the iPhone X and you might just be using it already. But what’s even better: the potential for using face recognition for user authentication is much bigger than this! In the not-so-distant future, we’ll hopefully be able to rent a car, sign legal documents and do everything else just by showing our unique facial features.

We’re already starting to see it with certain services requiring ID verification (like banking and other types of transactional systems). In this case, the provided legal data is cross-checked with data on the ID and face image on a document is compared to the owner’s face. However, like most new technologies it introduces new possibilities of a breach. And one of the most popular ways to deceive a face recognition mechanism is a ‘face spoof’ attack.

Read more: The startup

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En NeoCheck® nos esforzamos por satisfacer todas las necesidades de nuestros clientes en cuanto a Verificación Documental e Identificación Biométrica. Desde soluciones basadas en web, aplicaciones móviles hasta componentes especializados (contamos con equipo de investigación y desarrollo propio). Y por supuesto, tratamos de desplegar la tecnología más puntera y flexible a precios accesibles, además de facilitarles el mejor soporte. Por eso, organizamos periódicamente cursos online y talleres relacionados con el mundo que mejor conocemos: Verificación de Documentos e Identidad.